06 November 2009


someone who looked an awful lot like uncle tj slipped huckleberry a bone after our southern pork ribs dinner tonight. a bone!

this to a kid who has only had breast milk and things like (organic) bananas, avocados, apple sauce, mashed sweet potatoes, and an occasional handful of cheerios thus far. sheesh.

but before i could bellyache about him being too young or possibly choking or being a vegetarian (not really, but it may have helped me put the skids on), huck was deep into it. he was sucking and slurping and gnashing and gnawing that bone to pieces. like a pro, really. and so instead of yanking it out of his heretofore unsullied hands, i gave in, thinking that my dad would beam at his grandson masticating a bone with such fervor.

so here you go, pop-pop, this one's for you:

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