12 April 2009


happy 37th birthday, daddy.

i want you to know that i love you more than all the grains of sand on every beach in the whole world. i love you much more than you love climbing trees. i love you more than the amount of times mom has listened to fleet foxes since i've been born, and i think i even love you more than my pacifier (but it would be a close call).

here is my birthday song for you. i think you know the tune:

you've got a boy named huckleberry leeeewwww!,
i've got a pappy who greets me 'howdy doo.'
he plays me guitar and taught me how to coo,
and someday together we'll build a wood canoe.
we'll row down the river and comment on the view,
and then we'll build a fire and cook us up some stew.
i am your boy, i'm huckleberry lew,
happy birthday daddy, i really big love you.

xo, your son (huck).

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