is exploding! extracto coffee and tiga are going strong, grain and gristle just opened, pok pok noi is coming soon, and we are thrilled. this morning we went to extracto and peeked in to grain and gristle to check out the menu (we have a baysitter tonight and are going there for dinner). well, the brunch menu was so irresistible that we walked in, sat down, and ordered up a bunch of delicacies. two times in one day? who cares!
i know it's kind of indulgent, but i can't wait for tonight.
i have a lot of names. my official name is finn lewis isaacs, but everyone calls me 'huckleberry', or 'huck' for short. except for my pop-pop. he calls me 'super fly' because my initials are F.L.I. i was born at home on december 15th, 2008 and it snowed something fierce for the whole week after. now that i am here, this blog is to show you what i am up to.